Key Advantages of Ahuja Concrete

Key Advantages of Ahuja Concrete: Ahuja Concrete Advantages to customer

  • Quality support
  • We provide pre-post support for construction.
  • Saving more
  • Eliminates fungus
  • Ahuja Concrete uses less water and other additives.
  • High strength
  • We use no-1 cement, sand and other additives.
  • Fast delivery
  • Ahuja Concrete will be delivered to your site before the agreed deadline.
  • Avoids cracks & leakages
  • Removes cracks and leakage in the future.
  • Hassle free construction
  • No worries about raw materials and economy.
  • Delivery at any place
  • We are equipped with all new technologies.

Added Advantage:

Ahuja concrete is prepared in a fully automated plant. Ready mix concrete is a tailor-made concrete which improves durability and sustainability. Instead of purchasing the raw materials by individuals and experimenting every time with handling and proportioning, it would be far better idea to entrust all these activities to some expert supplier who is having a professional acumen.

Quality of Concrete

Ahuja Concrete uses sophisticated plant and equipment, which enables it to produce quality concrete. Ahuja Concrete exercises strict control on the quality of all ingredients through rigorous testing, applies stringent controls on process parameters, monitors key properties of concrete in the fresh and hardened state and applies the modern techniques to quickly detect any changes in the properties of concrete.

Elimination of material procurement requirements and storage hassles

With the use of Ahuja Concrete, customers are not required to procure and store cement, aggregates, sand, water and admixtures at site. This not only drastically reduces the space requirements at construction sites but also minimizes efforts on the part of customers to procure different materials, ensure their proper storage and check their quality parameters from time to time.